


January 18, 2021

PhD Scholarship

Preferred Start date: Semester 1 | 8 March 2021

The Living Moorabool: Evaluating the effects of Human-driving change on River Health

As Australia and the world confront the growing challenges of climate change, natural disasters and a growing population, water resource management has never been more important.

Research will play a large role in helping shape and manage water resources, now and into the future, particularly in Australia, where water resources are scarce and highly variable.

The Moorabool River is one of Victoria’s most important regional rivers. As well as providing drinking water for the expanding cities of Geelong and Ballarat, the river serves as a critical biodiversity corridor, a popular waterway for recreational purposes, and holds significance to its Traditional Owners.

It is, however, also a highly stressed river where the construction of farm dams, weirs, diversions, land-use change, and water extraction for both urban and rural use have all impacted the health of the Moorabool River. In 2017 the Victorian Government initiated the “Living Moorabool” project to deliver a healthy culture, environment, and community.

Based out of Deakin’s award-winning Geelong campus this PhD-level research is sponsored by Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Barwon Water Corporation and Deakin University’s ‘Centre for Regional and Rural Futures’. We are seeking a suitably qualified environmental scientist with knowledge and interest in ecological and land-use change assessment, as well as community and social licence factors (such as cultural connection, stewardship), to undertake research on how interventions (such as the land-use change, river diversions, extraction, restoration activities) and social factors have impacted on the health of the Moorabool River. The candidate will utilise existing field monitoring systems and a variety of historical proxy data-sets and indicators to construct a vivid depiction of the river’s health; quantifying and pinpointing the relative impacts of interventions. Field-based surveys of local land-holders to evaluate the efficacy of various land management practices will compliment and strengthen the methodology.

The project is open to domestic students and international students currently based in Australia, and would be well suited to mid-career NRM or water professionals looking for a stimulating change, or to provide a competitive career edge.

Project Outcomes

  • The outcomes from this research will provide an empirical baseline from which the river’s key stakeholders can use to shape future management practices in the Moorabool catchment.

PhD Benefits

  • Work collaboratively with the Victorian Water sector, Deakin University, and Water Research Australia;
  • Professional networks & partnership opportunities, including WaterRA
  • Professional Development Support;
  • Attractive and competitive PhD Scholarship package (see below);
  • A combination of both pure and applied science to address a real-world problem and contribute new knowledge to field of ecology;
  • Multidisciplinary research with the potential to design novel experimental tests to answer industry-based problems;
  • Guide future water resource management decisions and engage in critical environmental research. Work collaboratively with the Victorian Water sector, Deakin University, and Water Research Australia;
  • Professional networks & partnership opportunities, including WaterRA Professional Development Support;
  • Attractive and competitive PhD Scholarship package (see below);
  • A combination of both pure and applied science to address a real world  problem and contribute new knowledge to field of ecology;
  • Multidisciplinary research with the potential to design novel experimental tests to answer industry-based problems;
  • Guide future water resource management decisions and engage in critical environmental research.

Scholarship package

Work directly with industry and receive a 3 year, 115k PhD
Scholarship package through WaterRA:

  • Stipend: $90,000 ($30K per annum)
  • $25,000 across 3 years:
    • Operating Allowance
    • Professional Development Support
    • Conference Support
  • University post-graduate fee waiver

Applications close 14 February 2021 (conditions apply*)

Open to domestic and international students.

*Water professionals are encouraged to apply

Open to domestic applicants currently based in Australia or International students able to relocate to Victoria, Australia by semester 1, 8 March 2021

All Applicants must meet the enrolment eligibility criteria at Deakin University with the successful applicant required to gain enrolment at Deakin University.
Enrolment and eligibility criteria found at: Domestic Students: International Students:
All completed applications forms must be submitted to Water Research Australia (WaterRA).
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview 25 February 2021.

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262