The Corangamite Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) is a high level blueprint for catchment health. It provides a strategic, integrated framework for natural resource management in the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority’s region of Victoria.
The Corangamite Waterway Strategy (CWS) brings together the directions and policies in the Victorian Waterway Management Strategy, and the objectives and actions from the Corangamite Regional Catchment Strategy. It builds on and replaces the existing Corangamite River Health Strategy completed in 2006.
The CWS incorporates rivers, estuaries and wetlands, it sets priorities and outlines a regional work program to guide investment for the next eight years. The CWS will guide a coordinated effort and has a strong focus on integration and community participation, values and aspirations.
The Corangamite Floodplain Management Strategy outlines how the ecological and cultural values of the natural floodplains can be protected while also managing the risks to life, property and assets associated with flooding.
The strategy focuses on flooding associated with river systems (riverine flooding) and coastal storm surge inundation and includes planning for projected sea level rise scenarios. It does not include actions relating to rural drainage, or to stormwater flooding which is the responsibility of local government and therefore best dealt with through local government planning processes.
The Corangamite Natural Resource Management Plan for Climate Change aims to support the region to incorporate climate change mitigation and adaption into NRM planning, and provide a blueprint for managing the region’s natural assets under a changing climate.
The plan identifies the need to encourage the community to address climate change at the paddock, catchment and regional scale. A key to achieving success is growing and nurturing a range of partnerships. The Corangamite CMA recognises the role of Australian, Victorian and local governments, along with community groups, Aboriginal people and the region’s industries.
There is a growing need to enhance preparedness for natural disasters and their impact on biodiversity and agricultural atural capital assets within the Corangamite region.
This plan considers the most likely natural disaster scenarios for the Corangamite Management Unit and how these scenarios can be prepared for, responded to, and recovered from. The natural disaster scenarios include fire, flood, biosecurity, landslide, coastal storm surge, drought, and blue-green algae. Better preparation and response will contribute to stronger regional economies through sectors including agriculture.
Search the Knowledge Base and the Publications page for more information about the Corangamite region, including research papers, studies, technical reports and management plans.
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Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
T: 1800 002 262
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
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PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
T: 1800 002 262