


Corangamite Landcare

Landcare is a grassroots movement of groups and individuals across Australia with a shared vision to protect, enhance or restore the natural environment in their local community through sustainable land management and conservation activities. Landcare enables people to actively care for the natural environment in their community.

From the coast to the country, and from urban cities to the outback, Landcare’s greatest asset is its people. The Landcare movement is made up of farmers and farming systems groups, landowners, Landcare groups and networks, Traditional Owners, Bushcare and ‘Friends of’ groups, Coastcare, Dunecare and Rivercare groups, Landcare facilitators and coordinators, youth groups and other community groups involved in protecting, enhancing and restoring their local environment.

Our Region

The Corangamite Catchment is proud to have more than 152 of these Landcare and community-based natural resource management groups with more than 4,200 passionate volunteers advocating and providing opportunities for the enhancement and protection of the region’s natural environment and sustainable farming practices.

The Corangamite region is also home to the following well established Landcare Networks and Groups that have specialised staff employed to facilitate a vast array of support to the Landcare community.

What do Landcare volunteer groups do?

Landcare groups are made up of Members, Committee Members and a Chair. Groups undertake a variety of on-ground activities on both private and public land, including revegetation, weed control, soil health, fencing waterways, pest animal management, erosion control, installation of nest boxes and remnant vegetation protection just to name a few.

Groups also undertake a variety of other activities such as newsletters, social media, bus tours, flora and fauna field days, working bees, social events, prepare actions plans, training days and some even run their own nurseries.

Landcare provides roles and opportunities for everyone of every ability to share skills, learnings and experiences that grow people, friendships and a better environment.

Launching the Landcare Support Plan 2022-2027

This Plan is designed to outline how the Corangamite CMA supports Landcare and provide a framework for an ongoing partnership between the Corangamite CMA and Landcare in the region. The Plan guides the work of the Regional Landcare Coordinator and can be used by all stakeholders to understand the relationships and processes that guide the relationship.

Corangamite CMA thanks the local Landcare community for their support and contributions towards developing this plan.

2024 Victorian Landcare Grants Announced

The Minister for Environment Steve Dimopoulos announced at the Victorian Landcare Award Ceremony that he had approved the 523 recipients of the 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants.

The 2024 Victorian Landcare Grants provided $3.62 million for 227 project grants and 296 support grants across the state.

Congratulations to all the successful 2024 Victorian Landcare Grant recipients. A full list of recipients can be found here.

Victorian Landcare Awards

There were a record number of 146 nominations for the 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards.

Congratulations to all the winners of the 2023-24 Victorian Landcare Awards!

A big shout out to those recognised from the Corangamite region:

  • Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group - Winner, Landcare and Environmental Volunteer Group Award.
  • Elizabeth Ross - Winner, Women in Landcare Award
  • Helen Langley, Timboon Field Naturalists - Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Jackson Cass - Highly Commended, NextGen Landcare Award
  • Heytesbury District Landcare Network -Highly Commended, Australian Government Climate Innovation Award
  • Jan Healey - Commended, Australian Government Individual Landcarer

Congratulations and thank you for all your work and contributions to Landcare!

View the list of all nominees here.

Getting Started on Social Media: A guide for Landcare Networks

This manual is a guide for members of the Landcare Networks within the Corangamite region who are either thinking about starting to use social media, or who have been using it for a while but would like to learn more.

Download a copy of the guide here.

How can I get involved?

The Corangamite CMA hosts a Victorian Government funded Regional Landcare and Volunteer Coordinator position to work with Landcare groups and Networks to share information, develop promotional materials, discuss challenges and make regional decisions to achieve positive results. This position works to meet key priorities of the Victorian Landcare Program and Corangamite Landcare Support Plan.

Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC)

Kylie McLaren

Mobile: 0455 673 537

For general enquiries contact:


P; 1800 002 262

Faces of Corangamite Landcare

Celebrating 30 years of Landcare, stories captured in the Faces of Landcare indicate that Landcare means many different things to many different people, from those just establishing their group to those who have played a major role in Landcare’s foundation in locations all across the Corangamite catchment.

Underlying the contrasting motivations for those involved in Landcare is a commitment to sustainable land management for future generations. And the opportunity to get together to learn and share knowledge with like-minded people.


Keep up to date with all things Landcare by subscribing to our eNewsletter. Our eNewsletter lets us keep community groups informed about the latest news, grants programs, campaigns, group resources and lets us share other useful information. Please subscribe below to be a part of our eNews distribution list.

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More information

Visit the Corangamite Landcare Program page on the Victorian Landcare Gateway website.

Landcare grants (when available) are listed on the Grants and Tenders page.

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262