

Our Vision: "Healthy and productive lands and water cared for and enjoyed by thriving communities"

Who We Are

Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is the lead agency for integrated catchment management in the Corangamite region of Victoria. Integrated catchment management (ICM) is the coordinated management of land, water and biodiversity resources and includes consideration of environmental, cultural, social, recreational, and economic values.

Our purpose is to work with community, Traditional Owners and other partners in decision-making and on-ground action that improves the health and sustainable productivity of catchments and waterways in the Corangamite region.

Our Region

The Corangamite CMA region in south-west Victoria is a large 13,340 square kilometre area that stretches from Ballarat in the north to Geelong in the east to Camperdown in the west. Its landscape is geographically diverse with spectacular coasts, vast volcanic plains and the soaring old growth forests of the Otways - all of which require different management approaches. It is home to about 508,000 people.

Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians have lived in the Corangamite region and been caring for Country for thousands of generations. There are two formally recognised Traditional Owner corporations in the region, Eastern Maar and Wadawurrung. The Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation manages native title rights for the Eastern Maar Peoples. It is also the Registered Aboriginal Party for Eastern Maar Country. Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation is the Registered Aboriginal Party for Wadawurrung Country.

Its landscape supports strong agriculture and forestry sectors, with 78 per cent of the land privately owned, the remaining
22 per cent publicly owned. It contains lakes and wetlands of national and international significance. Four river basins define the region:

  • Moorabool
  • Barwon
  • Lake Corangamite
  • Otway Coast

Corangamite CMA Corporate Plan 2024-2029

This Corporate Plan sets out Corangamite Catchment Management Authority’s (CMA) approach for the next five years to achieve its vision of ‘healthy and productive lands and waters cared for and enjoyed by thriving  communities’.

Corangamite CMA recognises that 78 per cent of the land in our region is privately owned and that we have a key role to work with and support those landholders to farm sustainably and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

– Cath Jenkins, Chair, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority

Corangamite CMA Annual Report 2023-2024

We are committed to achieving our vision of ‘healthy and productive lands and waters cared for and enjoyed by thriving communities’, and we are proud that throughout the year we have achieved some excellent outcomes towards this vision.

Highlights included:

  • 278 community events
  • 5,005 participants
  • 1,862 referrals received (1,106 flood advice, 500 planning referrals, 256 works on waterway permits)
  • over $800k in grants distributed
  • 4,395 ha weed control
  • 1,010 ha revegetation
  • 113 WaterWatch and EstuaryWatch citizen scientist community volunteers
  • supported landowners with property management plans covering 1,365 ha
  • 3,104 ml of environmental water delivered

Our Role

The Corangamite CMA is a statutory authority of the Victorian Government and our roles and functions are defined in the Catchment and Land Protections Act 1994 and the Water Act 1989.

We work with land managers, communities, other organisations and governments to protect and improve the health of the region’s natural resources (water, soils, biodiversity), to improve the health and sustainable productivity of the Corangamite region.

Statement of Obligations

The Statement of Obligations is issued under the Catchment & Land Protection Act 1994 and Water Act 1989 and relate to existing functions and responsibilities of Catchment Management Authorities under the Acts as well as associated government policy.

It has been developed to:

  • Clarify the manner in which CMA activities should be undertaken and the level to which CMA activities should be performed, by specifying obligations which relate to the performance of broad legislative functions and policy responsibilities;
  • Specify which obligations shall be funded out of annual Corporate Allocations and/or Statutory Land Allocations and which obligations shall be funded as outlined in contracts or agreements between the Department of Sustainability & Environment and the Authority; and
  • Reflect an integrated and sustainable approach to catchment management.

Statement of Obligations – Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994

Statement of Obligations – Water Act 1989

We Offer Help & Advice in:

  • Floodplain advice
  • Works on Waterways applications
  • Event permits for the Barwon through Geelong
  • Funding and advice for riparian restoration, biodiversity and sustainable agriculture projects
  • Information on estuary management and water for the environment
  • Finding a community environment group near you
  • Joining a citizen science project to monitor waterway health

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262