

Waterway Protection Program

Incentives for Waterway Restoration

Applications for funding are currently closed.

The Corangamite CMA funds waterway protection and restoration works with incentives available for fencing, weed control, revegetation, stock crossings and off-stream water points, willow removal and pest animal management.

Funding is targeted towards waterways within specific geographic areas under the Corangamite Waterway Strategy. This round is seeking to protect rivers that have nationally listed threatened fish species or possible refuge habitat, and/or are sources of drinking water or environmental flows.

To read more about what may be involved in a waterway project please see our past projects page.

Between 2016 and 2020, Corangamite CMA and our partners completed over 170 kilometres of river frontage restoration, including:

  • 84 waterway projects
  • 95 kilometers of fencing and associated off-stream water infrastructure
  • 708 hectares of revegetation
  • 860 hectares under management
  • 1482 hectares of weed control
  • 17 kilometers of willow removal works


Barwon Flagship Project - New Riparian Works Trial

The Barwon Flagship project is a long-term project aiming to improve the health of the Barwon River. As part of this, the Corangamite CMA has developed a specifically designed works trial to address the unique challenges in the Upper Barwon system.

Project Eligibility

Eligible activities include fencing, stock crossings and off-stream water points, weed control, revegetation, willow removal and pest and animal management.

Express Interest

For further information speak to one of our Land & Catchment Health Officers, on 1800 002 262 or via

  • Tony Byrne for the Upper Barwon.
  • Henry Cooper for the Moorabool, Yarrowee-Leigh and Western District Lakes.
  • Gene Gardiner for the Heytesbury, Curdies and Gellibrand.
  • Kelly Snell for the Otways, Surf Coast and Bellarine.

Application Process

Note – we are currently not taking applications, check back again soon.

  1. All applicants must first submit an expression of interest form (EOI)You are encouraged to submit an EOI for any project site, whether it is within the geographic area or not.  If you wish to partner with your local Landcare Network on the project, please indicate this on the form, or contact them to submit the EOI on your behalf.
  2. Once you submit an EOI:
    • If you are on an eligible river, a staff member will call you to ask some questions about the project sitetell you about the process and funding conditions and check you are keen to proceed.
    • If the site is not an eligible river, we will confirm receipt of your EOI and take your details to keep these on record for future funding opportunities.
  3. We will organise a site visit to discuss the scope of the project and the potential activities, collect environmental data, write a management plan and cost the potential project. 
  4. You will receive a draft management plan to review the proposed works and costing bid sheet that contains the maximum amount of incentive funding per activity you can receive. If you wish to proceed with the project, you fill out the bid form showing how much of the maximum funding you wish to claim. 
  5. Once applications close, we will rank all projects based on cost/benefit for site preference, potential river health outcomes and cost. Funding, subject to availability, is offered to the highest ranked projects.  
  6. Successful projects will be offered a contract and the funds to complete the activities listed in the management plan. 
  7. Contracts will be signed. 
  8. Works will commence.

Please note, unsuccessful sites may be eligible for future funding. Site and landholder information will be kept on a register. 

Past Work Case Studies

Please click the buttons below to find out more about past works in our region. 

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262