

CCMA and CHW Sign Partnership To Work For Victoria

September 21, 2020
Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CCMA) has partnered with Central Highlands Water (CHW) to create 10 new jobs as part of the Working for Victoria Initiative.

The new roles are funded by the State Government’s $500 million initiative which creates employment for people who have lost their jobs due to the impacts of coronavirus, while delivering valuable community services. The initiative has created more than 10,000 jobs throughout Victoria since its launch in April.

The majority of jobs in the joint CHW and CCMA program will focus on completing on-ground land and waterway health improvement projects within the catchment and improving recreational infrastructure at reservoirs and parks within our shared region. This includes weeding, fence construction, and upgrading and installing pathways and signage.

CCMA’s CEO, John Riddiford said, “ We are thrilled to be a part of Working for Victoria, delivering jobs for our region in partnership with the Victorian Government and local water authorities”.

“We are pleased to be delivering this in partnership with Central Highlands Water in the northern part of our region”, said Mr Riddiford.

“This program will improve land and catchment health in the Corangamite region through planting and fencing along waterways, weed control, soil sampling and water quality monitoring,” said Mr Riddiford.

CHW’s Managing Director, Paul O’Donohue said, “We are pleased to assist our community by providing these fixed-term roles to give a number of people an income in these uncertain times.”

“The program will focus on enhancing areas that are vital for a healthy environment and for the health of our communities,” said Mr O’Donohue.

The roles will be based in Ballarat and will give people the opportunity to work for six months on land and waterways within the CHW and CCMA region.
Field work continues where it is safe for our team and the community to do so. CHW and CCMA follow up-to-date State health advice including specific hygiene and physical distancing protocols.

People looking for work and businesses searching for staff can register with Working for Victoria at

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