Page Contents
The Victorian Volcanic Plains grasslands once covered 2.3 million hectares of southwest Victoria. Since European settlement the grasslands have been extensively cleared for agriculture and less than one percent remain.
The Victoria Volcanic Plains is one of 15 biodiversity hotspots in Australia that supports more than 25 nationally threatened flora and fauna and a number of endangered and vulnerable vegetation communities. The grasslands are of great significance for Aboriginal people.
Key threats to the grasslands include clearing, inappropriate burning and grazing regimes, fertiliser application, urban development, fragmentation and climate change. Most of the high-quality grassland left in the Corangamite region is limited to small, isolated pockets on roadsides and rail reserves.
Since the mid-2000s we have worked with land managers and agencies to improve the management of nearly 10,000 hectares of threatened Victorian Volcanic Plains grasslands in the region through weed and pest animal control, fire and grazing management and community education.
This project has been run successfully for a number of years and aims to protect remnant habitat, species and communities in the Victorian Volcanic Plains through enhancement of remnant grassland reserves, cultural burning and a landholder stewardship program.
This project is funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Cultural burning is being led by Wadawurrung Traditional Owners in conjunction with Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA), Country Fire Authority and relevant agencies in Grassy Eucalypt Woodlands and Natural Temperate Grasslands on public and private land.
Grassy Eucalypt Woodlands Cultural Burning Program, supporting Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) to conduct cultural burns on public and private land. This project aims to improve the understanding of the use of cultural burning as a management tool in Grassy Eucalypt Woodlands and embed Traditional Owner practices into natural resource management. The program is a partnership between land managers and stakeholders including the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Parks Victoria, Forest Fire Management Victoria, Golden Plains Shire Council, CFA and private landholders.
This project will run until 2023 and is funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
The Linear Reserves Project commenced in 2014 and aims to enhance the condition and resilience of native grasslands on narrow strips of public land along roadside and rail reserves, through weed control and prescribed burning.
DEECA manage the Linear Reserves Project with support from a wide range of stakeholders including the Country Fire Authority, Catchment Management Authorities, local government authorities, Regional Roads Victoria, rail authorities, and Traditional Owners.
This project is supported by the Glenelg Hopkins and Corangamite Catchment Management Authorities through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and the Victorian Government’s Biodiversity Response Planning program.
LRP Newsletter issue 10, June 2023
LRP Newsletter issue 9, January 2023
LRP Newsletter issue 8, July 2022
LRP Newsletter issue 7, December 2021
LRP Newsletter issue 6, July 2021
LRP Newsletter issue 5, December 2020
LRP Newsletter issue 4, July 2020
LRP Newsletter issue 3, December 2019
LRP Newsletter issue 2, July 2019
LRP info flyer for landholders 2020
Native Grasslands and Our Roadsides – Ecological Responsible Roadside Fire Management (CFA brochure)
Fire and Our Roadsides – Ecological Responsible Roadside Fire Management (CFA brochure)
Landholder Guide for Grassy Woodlands and Grasslands
This project will run until 2023 and is funded by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority is a proud partner of the Plains Facts. This publication is brought to you by all of the Project Partners of the Protecting the Victorian Volcanic Plains project. We are thrilled to share with you the latest updates across the Victorian Volcanic Plains.
Past Editions
Plains Facts, Edition 30, Summer 2025
Plain Facts, Edition 29, Winter 2024
Plains Facts, Edition 28 Summer 2024
Plains Facts, Edition 27 Winter 2023
Plains Facts, Edition 26 Summer 2022
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