Corangamite Catchment Management Authority is inviting farmers to take up incentives to improve on-farm water management.
The incentive program is part of a joint Corangamite CMA, industry, government and community stakeholder partnership initiative - The Protecting the Environment via On-farm Water Efficiency Project. And is part of Our Catchment Our Communities Victoria’s first state-wide Integrated Catchment Management Strategy.
It aims to deliver a number of on-farm pilot activities including testing the viability and effectiveness of modernised on-farm water capture technologies, to meet future farming need and achieve improved water efficiency.
The project also includes analysis of a range of water efficiency technologies and approaches to determine their viability in delivering on farm and catchment benefits. And is in response to the need for more secure water flows to high-value environmental assets in the face of climate change.
Corangamite CMA land health manager Bret Ryan said we’re keen to attract farmers across the catchment to take part in the pilot project which would run for three years from 2017-2020.We’re after projects that demonstrate beneficial change in on farm water use that’s clearly measurable for the enterprise and the environment.
He said measurable change from a project could vary and include but were not limited to:
“The farmers will get the benefit of targeted incentives for better water infrastructure on farm, access to expert advice and information about farm water us and leading knowledge on farm water efficiency technologies,” he said.
“We’ll select the projects based on a ranking in terms of investment value, water efficiency and the benefit to the environment. These projects are also an opportunity to modernise farm water infrastructure. The selection of pilot sites also depends on farmers’ willingness to share their story with others. We’re also keen to have a spread of projects over different landscapes and industry types.”
The Victorian Government has provided $22 million over the next four years to implement Our Catchments, Our Communities, Victoria’s first state-wide Integrated Catchment Management Strategy, focusing on people working together to coordinate planning, investment and on-ground activities to improve the effectiveness of a range of environmental, economic and social outcomes.
In the Corangamite region private landholders manage more than two-thirds of the catchment and their participation, investment and knowledge is essential. Our Catchments, Our Communities supports the implementation of the Victorian Government’s water plan, Water for Victoria.
Expressions of interest have now closed.
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