

Floodplain Management

Key functions of the Corangamite CMA in managing floodplains are:

  • To find out how far floodwaters are likely to extend and how high they are likely to rise
  • To declare flood levels and flood fringe areas
  • To declare building lines
  • To control developments that have occurred or that may be proposed for land adjoining waterways
  • To develop and implement plans and to take any action necessary to minimise flooding and flood damage
  • To provide advice about flooding and controls on development to local councils, the Secretary for Planning and Environment and the Community.

Floodplain Strategy

The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority has been working with local communities, Traditional Owners, Local Government Authorities, the Victorian State Emergency Service (VICSES) and other regional agencies to prepare the Corangamite Regional Floodplain Management Strategy.

The draft strategy responds to outcomes of the 2016 Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy, with the aim to:

  • Build flood resilience – by sharing information about flood behaviour;
  • Reduce flood risks – through emergency management, flood mitigation infrastructure works and activities, and risk management;
  • Avoid future flood risks – through land use planning and building controls;
  • Manage residual flood risks – through flood insurance, sharing flood risk information, integrated flood emergency management and incident control.
  • Protect floodplains for their ecological and cultural values – by integrating the management of flood risks with protecting the environmental and cultural values of natural floodplains.

Development Advice/Permits

The Corangamite CMA work to provide advice for community members, local government and development consultants on floodplain developments.

Developments involving the following areas are what we provide free advice for:

  • Floodplain infrastructure
  • Works on waterways
  • Levee maintenance permits
  • Vegetation in waterways

Follow the link below to learn more.

Statutory Overlays

An overlay is a map in a council planning scheme showing the location and extent of special features, such as where land may be subject to flooding.

Their key purpose is to:

  • minimise the effects of overland flows and flooding on new buildings
  • ensure new developments don’t adversely affect existing properties

Overlays are based on the extent of flooding resulting from a 1 in 100 year storm. This relates to a storm event of such intensity, based on historical rainfall data, which has a one per cent chance of occurring in any given year.

Having this information means drainage issues can be addressed at the start of the development process and proposals are properly designed.

Types of Overlays

There are four types of overlays within Councils Planning Schemes that relate to flooding. They are:

These are planning scheme controls that identify areas prone to overland flooding. The purpose of these overlays is to set appropriate conditions and floor levels to address any flood risk to developments. These overlays require a planning permit for buildings and works.

These are planning scheme controls that apply to land affected by flooding associated with waterways and open drainage systems. Such areas are commonly known as floodplains. These overlays require a planning permit for buildings and works.

These apply to land that’s identified as carrying active flood flows associated with waterways and open drainage systems. This overlay is categorised by depths in excess of one metre.

Unlike the overlays, the UFZ controls land use as well as development, with land use being restricted to low intensity uses such as recreation and agriculture. Development is generally not encouraged in the UFZ.


For further information please contact the Corangamite CMA Floodplain Statutory Team on

Statutory Responsibility

Corangamite CMA is responsible for a range of statutory functions under the following state government acts, relating to floodplain management:

Under Part 10 (sections 201 to 212) of the Water Act 1989, Corangamite CMA has floodplain management responsibilities for its declared CMA region.

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262