

New Riparian Works Trial on the Upper Barwon

The Barwon Flagship project is a long-term project aiming to improve the health of the Barwon River.

As part of this, the Corangamite CMA has developed a specifically designed works trial to address the unique challenges in the Upper Barwon system.

The new riparian works trial has been developed from the findings of a Monash University study (2021). This revealed several barriers to participation in the previous Corangamite CMA funding model of river restoration works in the upper Barwon River catchment.

A new model is to be trialled with project requirements being different to the past.

This new riparian works trial will run over 2 years and will capture environmental data as well as participant feedback to assess the value of the new program to the Upper Barwon system.

What has changed?

Fencing and revegetation will still be a requirement of all projects, however the following changes have been introduced:

  • Reduced Buffer Widths: Buffer widths have halved from of 20 meters to an average of 10 meters.
  • Increased Fencing Rates: Increased fencing rates from $7 per meter to $10 per meter for conventional fences, additional fencing rates for wider buffers and increased flood fencing rate of $12 for lay down fences and $13 for sacrificial fencing including one replacement.
  • Controlled Grazing: Controlled grazing will be allowed in the project site once revegetation is established. This will allow grazing to control weeds on site during the drier months.
  • Increased Rates of Weed Control: Weed control will be funded for 5 years in the project site at a rate of $200 per hectare per year. After 5 years, controlled grazing will be allowed in the site to manage weeds.
  • Revegetation: Trees and shrubs will reflect the natural vegetation of the area. A discussion will be had about species selection based on grazing, weed suppression and benefits to waterway. Revegetation is required as it performs critical functions for river health. Native plants are deep rooted and reinforce the banks, they bind and trap sediment in finer roots and provide shade which controls instream temperatures to reduce algal growths and control the levels of instream plant growth.

Willow control

  • When combined with fencing and revegetation the Corangamite CMA will manage and pay for the removal of willows and any bank stabilization that is deemed necessary.

How to participate

The East and West Barwon River within the flagship zone are the focus for investment for the first two years of the riparian works trial.

To be able to participate and receive funding sites need to:

  • Be located on waterway frontage of the East or West Barwon River, as per the flagship map.
  • Meet land ownership requirements (noting that licensed crown frontage sites are eligible)
  • Be willing to meet the project requirements and meet some site selection criteria

Please note: Dewing Creek is not currently part of the trial. 

Site eligibility requirements

To receive funding, sites must:

• Be located along the East or West branch of the Barwon River.
• Be located on waterway frontage and begin at the bank of the waterway and continue up to a maximum distance of 50m away from the bank.
• Meet the land ownership requirements and be deemed low risk with a high chance of success.

Full details can be found here.

Contact the Corangamite CMA to discuss how this trial may benefit the river frontage on your property.

Contact Angus Donaldson on
Or Kelly Snell on

Phone 1800 002 262

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262