


May 31, 2024

The Living Moorabool Flagship Waterway project began in 2017 through Victorian Government investment to improve catchment and waterway health across regional Victoria. Since the flagship began, a series of connected activities have been implemented by the Corangamite CMA and their partners along the Moorabool River downstream of the Lal Lal Reservoir, and the West Branch of Sutherlands Creek to progress towards its 2040 vision of ‘Healthy People, Healthy Environment and Healthy Culture.’ 

To measure our progress towards the 2040-vision and plan the best way forward, we have taken a moment to look back and evaluate the flagship project since it began. We want to thank our partners and volunteers who we have worked with over the last seven years in the Living Moorabool to achieve:

  • Planning and delivery of 17.5 billion litres of water for the environment with Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC), Central Highlands Water, Barwon Water, the Victorian Environmental Water Holder and the Moorabool Stakeholder Advisory Committee. Releases of the water were timed to support fish migration, maintain river connectivity, and support native habitats.
Water for the environment being released from Lal Lal Reservoir
Water for the environment being released from Lal Lal Reservoir
  • Community, community groups, schools and WTOAC were supported to enhance their citizen science skills and waterway health awareness through e-newsletters, knowledge forums, WaterWatch and River detective programs, waterbug monitoring and numerous other events.

Sharing knowledge at She Oaks on the Moorabool

  • 12 sites along the Moorabool River and its tributaries have long-term water quality data that are used to monitor for the impact of environmental water and inform management actions thanks to nine dedicated WaterWatchers.
Kristen and Deirdre from Corangamite CMA celebrate the outstanding service of WaterWatchers
  • Targeting specific areas in need of improved river frontage through waterway management projects. Working together with landholders, and the Geelong and Moorabool Landcare Networks 165ha of river frontage has been restored. From 2019, past projects have been visited three and eight years after a project was completed to maintain long-term benefits.
Climbing up to a vantage point in Meredith to inspect past projects

The full evaluation report will be published in early June, and we’ll send through an update when it’s released. It includes more about the activities that have been implemented in the Living Moorabool, factors that impacted their implementation and results, and recommendations for the future delivery of the flagship.

To read more about the Living Moorabool Flagship Project or subscribe to the e-newsletter click here.

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262