


November 16, 2020

The Community Environment Grants Program being delivered as part of the Wild Otways Initiative is a $1 million investment to support the delivery of projects to protect and restore native plants, wildlife, and coastal environments in the area between Bells Beach to Peterborough, and the Otways hinterland.

Applications are now open for the ‘Community Environment Grants Program’ with funding of $5,000 up to $50,000 per year available to eligible volunteer groups, local governments authorities and Traditional Owners.

The ‘Community Environment Grants Program’ will fund projects that demonstrate environmental outcomes through the delivery of revegetation and supporting activities, weed and pest animal control, fencing and access track construction or improvement works that protect and manage environmental values; and habitat improvement works.

Grant applications close on Friday 22 January 2021.

Corangamite CMA Chair, Alice Knight says, “Our Coastline and the Otways are very significant special natural environments in our region. They are home to a diverse array of plants and animals, unique habitats, and several significant and threatened species”.

“The Australian Government’s ‘Community Environment Grants Program’, delivered through the Wild Otways Initiative, provides an opportunity to support the community to continue to deliver great local projects that protect and enhance the natural environments we all love so much,” Ms Knight says.

“Working with and for our Community is very close to my heart. I am thrilled the Corangamite CMA will be working closely with our local community to deliver the ‘Community Environment Grants Program’ across the Surfcoast and Otway Region,” Ms Knight says.

Visit the Community Environment Grants Program page for full details.

This project received funding from the Australian Government.

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