

Wild Otways Initiative Community Environment Grants Program

The Community Environment Grants Program being delivered as part of the Australian Government’s Wild Otways Initiative is a $1 million investment to support the delivery of projects to protect and restore native plants, wildlife, and coastal environments in the area between Bells Beach to Peterborough, and the Otways hinterland.

The Community Environment Grants Program through two rounds of funding has successfully funded thirty-three projects that demonstrate environmental outcomes through the delivery of revegetation and supporting activities, weed and pest animal control, fencing and access track construction or improvement works that protect and manage environmental values and habitat conservation and threatened species biodiversity.

Projects that are being supported include the following areas:

  • Indigenous revegetation and supporting activities (plant propagation and fencing where directly related to and proportional to the benefits of revegetation activities);
  • Weed and pest animal control (except those activities outlined in ‘What will not be funded’ section below)
  • Fencing and access track construction or improvement works that protect or manage environmental values; and
  • Other habitat improvement works.

Use the Interactive Map to see the successful projects funded

Re-vegetating Wild Dog Creek

Duncan and Ian Sadler, along with the other 16 members of the Binnawee Cooperative, are reclaiming a degraded creek.

Funded by a Wild Otways Initiative Community Environment Grant, the cooperative revegetated a 1.1km section of Wild Dog Creek in the Otways with 4,500 plants – trees, understory and ferns – after a careful process to select suitable cool temperate rainforest species, prepare the site and ensure ongoing maintenance.

This project is funded by the Australian Government.

Rewilding the Valley

A Painkalac Creek project that was funded through this Community Environmental Grants Program has restored a terrestrial wetland and habitat for threatened species of mammals near the Great Ocean Road in Victoria.

The project included the planting of 6,000 native trees and understory plants and direct seeding of grasses, weed control, mulch and fencing to protect the plants from kangaroo grazing.

Over 600 hours of volunteer work was undertaken by local environmental community group ANGAIR and young environmental science students were supported to undertake management work and advance their skills and knowledge as part of the project.

The change in the property from bare grazing land to flourishing wetland, emerging riparian vegetation, and sclerophyll woodlands with adjacent native grassland is dramatic.

This project links to the Wild Otways small mammals research in the nearby coastal dunes and a privately funded independent study by Professor Barbara Wilson, where EPBC listed Swamp Antechinus have been found, emphasising the importance of vegetation continuity and refuges in the Painkalac Valley.

Round One Projects

We’re excited to announce $855,000 worth of applications have been currently approved. View the list of approved projects below.

ApplicantProject TitleGrant amount
Wye to Wongarra LandcareTrees for Tawnys$6,860.00
Hordern Vale Glenaire Landcare GroupConnecting the fragments and Otway wet forest and coastal dune biolinks$43,605.40
ANGAIR IncMoonah woodland revegetation at Fairyland Nature Reserve on the Anglesea River$11,970.00
ANGAIR IncRehabilitation and protection of Painkalac Valley terrestrial wetland and habitat for threatened species$50,519.00
Barongarook Landcare GroupCommunity groups restoring a fifty kilometre Central Otway wildlife corridor, the Old Beechy Rail Trail$83,105.00
Upper Barwon Landcare NetworkRestoring the headwaters of the Yan Yan Gurt creek$45,716.00
ANGAIR IncBlackwattle Track woody weed removal$23,080.00
Upper Barwon Landcare NetworkHabitat restoration in the Pennyroyal Valley$93,429.00
Upper Barwon Landcare NetworkProtecting and rehabilitating water sources and remnant bushland in the Gerangamete region$72,746.30
Heytesbury District Landcare NetworkSherbrooke River corridors: protection, propagation and revegetation$48,096.00
Camperdown Timboon Rail Trail Committee of ManagementControl of exotic weeds to enhance biodiversity and protect indigenous species and communities.$29,390.00
Binnawee Co-operative LtdRevegetation of the Wild Dog Creek in Binnawee property$15,487.00
Southern Otway Landcare NetworkA trial floral diversification of a historic revegetation project in Apollo Bay$41,250.00
Southern Otway Landcare NetworkSouthern Otway Landcare Network – Wongarra revegetation project, 2021-2023$24,200.00
Conservation Ecology CentreEnsuring habitat for the Leafy Greenhood Orchid$36,450.00
Friends of Eastern OtwaysEnvironmental weed control Moggs Creek, Great Otway National Park and coastal reserve$13,157.75
Surf Coast inland Plains Landcare NetworkProtecting biodiversity in the Surf Coast hinterland$22,040.00
Port Campbell Public Purpose ReservePort Campbell Biolinks Project$27,460.00
Forrest & District Community GroupForrest holly removal and indigenous revegetation – Hennigan Cres$22,413.00
East Otway LandcareHabitat regeneration in the Bambra bushland$8,541.00
Trust for NatureWorking together to enhance wet forest habitat in Apollo Bay.$26,026.00
Southern Otway Landcare NetworkThe Barham River Restoration Project$92,383.50
Southern Otway Landcare NetworkAfrican Weed Orchid (Disa bracteata) Eradication on the Marengo Airstrip$17,875.00

Round Two Projects

We’re excited to announce $141,868 worth of applications have been currently approved. View the list of approved projects below.

ApplicantProject TitleGrant Amount
ANGAIR Inc (Anglesea and Aireys Inlet Society for the Protection of Flora and FaunaPainkalac Salt-wedge Reserve Revegetation$16,310
The Friends of Eastern OtwaysClosure and rehabilitation of informal track Fairhaven/Moggs Creek, Great Otway National Park$3,318
Conservation Ecology CentreDeployment of Conservation Detection Dogs in the Fight Against Feral Cats in the Otways.$19,700
Surf Coast inland Plains Landcare NetworkContinuing to Protect Biodiversity in the Surf Coast Hinterland$19,340
Upper Barwon Landcare NetworkReturning the marsh to Deans Marsh$19,910
Birregurra LandcareRiparian Zone Enhancement & Plant Propagation$6,310
Hordern Vale Glenaire Landcare GroupA helping hand for habitat: Supporting sustainable revegetation for biodiversity conservation at Cape Otway$10,010
Trust for NatureHenriksen Sanctuary and Marriners Lookout – wet forest restoration and community engagement in the Otways$19,950
Southern Otway Landcare NetworkWillow removal, fencing and revegetation of a local waterway$8,650
Upper Barwon Landcare NetworkImproving water quality and habitat restoration in the Pennyroyal Valley$18,370

This project is funded by the Australian Government. This project will run until 2023.

Contact Us

Colac Office

64 Dennis Street, Colac VIC 3250
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday

T: 1800 002 262

Geelong office

Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
All mail must be sent via our Colac office
PO Box 159, Colac, VIC 3250

T: 1800 002 262