On Thursday, 25 July 2019 the Corangamite CMA Board toured two revegetation sites in the upper Barwon catchment with staff from the CMA, Barwon Water and the Upper Barwon Landcare Network.
The Dewing Creek project has been successfully managed in a joint partnership that includes revegetation, weed management and stock fencing. The land is owned by Barwon Water, leased by a neighbour, managed by Upper Barwon Landcare Network and has been funded by the Corangamite CMA.
The Waterways Frontage Protection Program at Birregurra has been a successful partnership between the Corangamite CMA, Upper Barwon Landcare Network, Birregurra Landcare and a private landowner.
This project has included willow and poplar removal from a section of the river and riparian zone in the Birregurra township. Stock exclusion fencing and revegetation has been completed on one side. Weed monitoring and maintenance will be undertaken for the next 12 months on the township side of the river, with planting planned for spring 2020.
The upper Barwon is an important habitat for platypus, and platypus eDNA was detected at the Birregurra site in a 2018 study. A biodiversity risk assessment conducted by Corangamite CMA prior to undertaking works identified a minimal risk to platypus. Adult platypus have large home ranges of several kilometres, and works undertaken did not involve bank excavation or removal of roots and stumps within the river bank.
This initiative to improve waterway health in the Corangamite region is a joint project of the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Upper Barwon Landcare Network, Birregurra Landcare Group and Colac Otway Shire, with funding from the Victorian Government.
Thank you to Sarah Brien and Lach Gordon from the Upper Barwon Landcare Network, and Barwon Water staff, Brigid Creasey (Water & Catchment Officer), Will Buchanan (Asset Systems & Environment Manager) and Seamus Butcher (Strategy, Systems & Environment GM).
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Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
T: 1800 002 262
E: info@ccma.vic.gov.au
Hours: 8:30am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
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T: 1800 002 262
E: info@ccma.vic.gov.au